In such cases there is a lot of EV3 in Hakkason, a device named "EV3" appears a lot like the following is an attempt to connect by Bluetooth.

It would be better to change the device name "EV3" When you become a situation like this.
Changing the device name, is done by starting the EV3 software after connecting via USB EV3 and the PC, and change in the information of intelligent block "EV3".

Device name will change if you download the EV3 in the "↓" After updating the name.

Lego.EV3の原稿版はデバイス名が「EV3」固定になっていますが、すでに変更したソースをpull requestしているのできっと対応されると思います。
When you change the "EV3-HATSUNE" the device name in this way, it will be "EV3-HATSUNE" instead of "EV3" is also specified device name from the Windows Store app.
I think that device name is set to the "EV3" fixed to the latest version of Lego.EV3, but we are surely support it because I pull request on which source you have already changed.