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[Leap]Leap Motion - Tracking Hands, Fingers, and Tools の日本語訳

Leap Motionの日本語情報は非常に限られているので公式ドキュメントをざっくり日本語訳にしました。誤訳などあったらお知らせください。


Tracking Hands, Fingers, and Tools

手、指およびツールはLeap Motion Systemにおけるトラッキング基本エンティティです。本稿ではこれらのエンティティを表すオブジェクトの取得方法と使用方法の詳細を説明します。

    • Overview
    • Hand, and Pointable Lists
    • Hands
      • Getting the Hand Characteristics
      • Getting the Fingers and Tools
      • Computing the Hand Orientation
      • Transforming Finger Coordinates into the Hand's Frame of Reference
    • Pointables
      • Converting a Pointable Object to a Finger or Tool
      • Calculating the Position of the Base of a Finger


Leap APIはトラッキング基本オブジェクトを表すクラスを定義しています。


手、指およびツールの物理的特性はLeap座標系(mm単位で測定)の値として取得できます。Leap SDKは位置と方向を表すVectorクラスを提供します。Vectrorクラスを扱うための数学関数を提供します。

Hand, and Pointable Lists

Listクラスはすべて同じ構造を持っています。ベクトル形式の配列のように振る舞うし、イテレータ(反復子)をサポートしています。Leap APIから受信したメンバーオブジェクトを削除したり変更することはできませんが、同じオブジェクトタイプのリストを組み合わせる事ができます。


    For Each Hand hand in handList
    foreach (Hand hand in handList) {



    Dim farLeft As Finger = _frame.Fingers.Leftmost
    Dim mostForwardOnHand As Finger = _frame.Hands(0).Fingers.Frontmost
    Dim rightTool As Tool = _frame.Tools.Rightmost
    Finger farLeft = frame.Fingers.Leftmost;
    Finger mostForwardOnHand = frame.Hands[0].Fingers.Frontmost;
    Tool rightTool = frame.Tools.Rightmost;



    Private left As single = frame.Pointables.Leftmost.TipPosition.x
    Private right As single = frame.Pointables.Rightmost.TipPosition.x
    Private front As single = frame.Pointables.Frontmost.TipPosition.z

    Private back As single = backmost(frame.Pointables).TipPosition.z
    Private top As single = topmost(frame.Pointables).TipPosition.y
    Private bottom As single = bottommost(frame.Pointables).TipPosition.y

    Private Function backmost(pointables As PointableList) As Pointable
        If pointables.Count = 0 Then
            return Pointable.Invalid
        End If
        Dim backmost As Pointable = pointables(0)
        For p = 1 As Integer To p < pointables.Count - 1
            If pointables[p].TipPosition.z > backmost.TipPosition.z Then
                backmost = pointables(p)
            End If
        Return backmost
    End Function

    Private Function topmost(pointables As PointableList) As Pointable
        If pointables.Count = 0 Then
            return Pointable.Invalid
        End If
        Dim topmost As Pointable = pointables(0)
        For p = 1 As Integer To p < pointables.Count - 1
            If pointables[p].TipPosition.y > topmost.TipPosition.y Then
                topmost = pointables(p)
            End If
        Return topmost
    End Function

    Private Function bottommost(pointables As PointableList) As Pointable
        If pointables.Count = 0 Then
            return Pointable.Invalid
        End If
        Dim bottommost As Pointable = pointables(0)
        For p = 1 As Integer To p < pointables.Count - 1
            If pointables[p].TipPosition.y > bottommost.TipPosition.y Then
                bottommost = pointables(p)
            End If
        Return bottommost;
    End Function
    float left = frame.Pointables.Leftmost.TipPosition.x;
    float right = frame.Pointables.Rightmost.TipPosition.x;
    float front = frame.Pointables.Frontmost.TipPosition.z;

    float back = backmost(frame.Pointables).TipPosition.z;
    float top = topmost(frame.Pointables).TipPosition.y;
    float bottom = bottommost(frame.Pointables).TipPosition.y;

    Pointable backmost(PointableList pointables)
        if(pointables.Count == 0) return Pointable.Invalid;
        Pointable backmost = pointables[0];
        for( int p = 1; p < pointables.Count; p++ )
            if( pointables[p].TipPosition.z > backmost.TipPosition.z)
                backmost = pointables[p];
        return backmost;

    Pointable topmost(PointableList pointables)
        if(pointables.Count == 0) return Pointable.Invalid;
        Pointable topmost = pointables[0];
        for( int p = 1; p < pointables.Count; p++ )
            if( pointables[p].TipPosition.y > topmost.TipPosition.y)
                topmost = pointables[p];
        return topmost;

    Pointable bottommost(PointableList pointables)
        if(pointables.Count == 0) return Pointable.Invalid;
        Pointable bottommost = pointables[0];
        for( int p = 1; p < pointables.Count; p++ )
            if( pointables[p].TipPosition.y < bottommost.TipPosition.y )
                bottommost = pointables[p];
        return bottommost;




    Dim _frame As Frame = controller.Frame ‘ controller is a Controller object
    Dim hands As HandList = _frame.Hands
    Dim firstHand AS Hand = hands(0)
    Frame frame = controller.Frame(); // controller is a Controller object
    HandList hands = frame.Hands;
    Hand firstHand = hands[0];



    Dim _frame As Frame = controller.Frame ‘ controller is a Controller object
    Dim hands As HandList = frame.Hands

    Dim leftmost As Hand = hands.Leftmost
    Dim rightmost As Hand = hands.Rightmost
    Dim frontmost As Hand = hands.Frontmost
    Frame frame = controller.Frame(); // controller is a Controller object
    HandList hands = frame.Hands;

    Hand leftmost = hands.Leftmost;
    Hand rightmost = hands.Rightmost;
    Hand frontmost = hands.Frontmost;


Getting the Hand Characteristics


手の位置はLeap Motinからミリメートル単位で掌の中心点の3次元座標を含むベクターで表された掌位置属性で指定されます。手の方向は、掌の中心から指の方向と垂直方向の2つのベクトルによって与えられます。



    Dim _hand As Hand = frame.Hands.Rightmost
    Dim position As Vector = hand.PalmPosition
    Dim velocity As Vector = hand.PalmVelocity
    Dim direction As Vector = hand.Direction
    Hand hand = frame.Hands.Rightmost;
    Vector position = hand.PalmPosition;
    Vector velocity = hand.PalmVelocity;
    Vector direction = hand.Direction;

Getting the Fingers and Tools



    ' hand is a Hand object
    DIm pointables As PointableList = hand.Pointables ' Both fingers and tools
    Dim fingers As FingerList = hand.Fingers
    Dim tools As ToolList = hand.Tools
    // hand is a Hand object
    PointableList pointables = hand.Pointables; // Both fingers and tools
    FingerList fingers = hand.Fingers;
    ToolList tools = hand.Tools;



    Dim knownPointable As Pointable = hand.Pointable(pointableID)
    Pointable knownPointable = hand.Pointable(pointableID);



    ' hand is a Hand object
    Dim leftPointable As Pointable = hand.Pointables.Leftmost
    Dim rightFinger As Finger = hand.Fingers.Rightmost
    Dim frontTool As Tool = hand.Tools.Frontmost
    // hand is a Hand object
    Pointable leftPointable = hand.Pointables.Leftmost;
    Finger rightFinger = hand.Fingers.Rightmost;
    Tool frontTool = hand.Tools.Frontmost;

注意:手自体ではなくLeap Motionの中心点に対して相対的なことに注意してください。手を基準にして指を取得するにはLeap Matrixクラスを使用して変換します。

Transforming Finger Coordinates into the Hand's Frame of Reference

参照している手のフレームと手の指の座標が一緒に取得できると便利な場合が多いです。なぜなら指を並べたときに指の位置の分析を簡略化できるからです。指の位置と方向を変換するためLeap Matrixクラスを使用して変換行列を作成することができます。手の基準は、2つの間のクロス積で定義されている3番目の軸と手の方向と掌の法線ベクトルを使用して定義できます。

    Dim _frame As Frame = leap.Frame
    For h As Integer = 0 To h < frame.Hands.Count - 1
        Hand leapHand = frame.Hands(h)

        Vector handXBasis =  leapHand.PalmNormal.Cross(leapHand.Direction).Normalized
        Vector handYBasis = -leapHand.PalmNormal
        Vector handZBasis = -leapHand.Direction
        Vector handOrigin =  leapHand.PalmPosition
        handTransform As Matrix = new Matrix(handXBasis, handYBasis, handZBasis, handOrigin)
        handTransform = handTransform.RigidInverse()

        For f As Integer = 0 To f < leapHand.Fingers.Count - 1
            Dim leapFinger As Finger = leapHand.Fingers(f)
            Dim transformedPosition As Vector = handTransform.TransformPoint(leapFinger.TipPosition)
            Dim transformedDirection As Vector = handTransform.TransformDirection(leapFinger.Direction)
            ' Do something with the transformed fingers
    Frame frame = leap.Frame();
    for( int h = 0; h < frame.Hands.Count; h++ )
        Hand leapHand = frame.Hands[h];

        Vector handXBasis =  leapHand.PalmNormal.Cross(leapHand.Direction).Normalized;
        Vector handYBasis = -leapHand.PalmNormal;
        Vector handZBasis = -leapHand.Direction;
        Vector handOrigin =  leapHand.PalmPosition;
        Matrix handTransform = new Matrix(handXBasis, handYBasis, handZBasis, handOrigin);
        handTransform = handTransform.RigidInverse();

        for( int f = 0; f < leapHand.Fingers.Count; f++ )
            Finger leapFinger = leapHand.Fingers[f];
            Vector transformedPosition = handTransform.TransformPoint(leapFinger.TipPosition);
            Vector transformedDirection = handTransform.TransformDirection(leapFinger.Direction);
            // Do something with the transformed fingers




  • TipPosition:Leap Motionからの先端までの距離をmm単位で表す
  • TipVelocity:先端の移動速度(mm/sec)
  • StabilizedTipPosition:手ぶれ防止フィルタをかけた位置と速度
  • Direction:先端が差す方向
  • Length:指またはツールの見かけ上の長さ
  • Width:平均幅
  • TouchDistance:仮想タッチ面からの正規化した距離
  • TouchZone:先端と仮想タッチ面の関係


    Dim _pointable As Pointable = _frame.Pointables.Frontmost
    Dim direction As Vector = _pointable.Direction
    Dim length As Single = _pointable.Length
    Dim width As Single = _pointable.Width
    Dim stabilizedPosition As Vector = _pointable.StabilizedTipPosition
    Dim position As Vector = _pointable.TipPosition
    Dim speed As Vector = _pointable.TipVelocity
    Dim touchDistance As Single = _pointable.TouchDistance
    Dim zone As Pointable.Zone = _pointable.TouchZone
    Pointable pointable = frame.Pointables.Frontmost;
    Vector direction = pointable.Direction;
    float length = pointable.Length;
    float width = pointable.Width;
    Vector stabilizedPosition = pointable.StabilizedTipPosition;
    Vector position = pointable.TipPosition;
    Vector speed = pointable.TipVelocity;
    float touchDistance = pointable.TouchDistance;
    Pointable.Zone zone = pointable.TouchZone;

Converting a Pointable Object to a Finger or Tool


    If (_pointable.IsTool) Then
        Dim _tool As new Tool(_pointable)
        Dim _finger As new Finger(_pointable)
    End If
    if (pointable.IsTool) {
        Tool tool = new Tool(pointable);
    } else {
        Finger finger = new Finger(pointable);

Calculating the Position of the Base of a Finger


    Vector basePosition = -pointable.Direction * pointable.Length
    basePosition += pointable.TipPosition
    Vector basePosition = -pointable.Direction * pointable.Length;
    basePosition += pointable.TipPosition;

投稿日時 : 2013年8月2日 7:47


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seeing very good gains. If you know of any please share.

# It's very simple to find out any topic on web as compared to textbooks, as I found this paragraph at this website. 2022/08/21 10:59 It's very simple to find out any topic on web as c

It's very simple to find out any topic on web as compared
to textbooks, as I found this paragraph at this website.

# It's very simple to find out any topic on web as compared to textbooks, as I found this paragraph at this website. 2022/08/21 11:00 It's very simple to find out any topic on web as c

It's very simple to find out any topic on web as compared
to textbooks, as I found this paragraph at this website.

# It's very simple to find out any topic on web as compared to textbooks, as I found this paragraph at this website. 2022/08/21 11:02 It's very simple to find out any topic on web as c

It's very simple to find out any topic on web as compared
to textbooks, as I found this paragraph at this website.
