Hello, my name is Akira Hatsune.
How is the status of my order going?
I send to mail the letter and the ID in the attahment.
>Please wait while we find a representative to assist you.
>All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.
>An agent will be with you in a moment. Thank you for your patience.
You have been connected to GeoTrustB.
GeoTrustB: Hello Akira.
GeoTrustB: How can I assist you today?
Akira Hatsune: I want you to teach be good when what is done.
GeoTrustB: We have requested that you resend your identification letter with your attached ID.
GeoTrustB: We need both your ID and letter to be sent in the same e-mail.
GeoTrustB: Please send the e-mail to apacsupport@geotrust.com as they work on our Japan orders.
Akira Hatsune: yes, i send both ID and letter in the e-mail
GeoTrustB: What e-mail was it sent from?
Akira Hatsune: From hatsune.a@xxxxxx.com
GeoTrustB: Thank you. I do see it now.
GeoTrustB: I will forward your document to our Asia Branch so that they may process the verification of your order.
Akira Hatsune: It has understood. Quick processing is expected.
GeoTrustB: Yes, and if you require any further status updates, you can e-mail apacsupport@Geotrust.com for any updates.
Akira Hatsune: Do I only have to be waiting for mail from Asia Branch ?
GeoTrustB: Correct.
GeoTrustB: Once they complete verification they will send your results to Microsoft for the next step in activating your account.
Akira Hatsune: I see. It looks forward.
Akira Hatsune: Thank you for today. It survived.
GeoTrustB: You're welcome.
Akira Hatsune: thx. good bye GeoTrustB.
GeoTrustB: Goodbye Akira!
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