
奥様 と プログラム と お犬様 の 楽しい日常


Blog 利用状況





.NET 1.1 の時に何故かよくお世話になったコントロールで、
2.0 になってからもごくごく単純な使い方しかしてなかったわけですが、
# 3 時間近くも遊んでたらまたソースが汚く長ったらしくなってしまった...

さて、中さんのとこ で紹介されてた VirtualMode なのですが、
CheckBoxes = True にしても、チェックボックスが出てこないのですよ。

ListView コントロール (Windows フォーム)
ListView クラス
ListViewItem クラス

こてこて色々試して遊んでみた ListView
VirtualMode で描画した ListView

Public Class ListViewTest

Private m_tabControl As TabControl Private m_virtualListDataSrouce As DataTable
Private Enum SateImageKeys blackwankumaIcon wankumaIcon End Enum
Private Enum ImageKeys fujiko nakasan End Enum
Private Enum ListViewName As Integer Normal Virtual End Enum
Private Sub ListViewTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.m_tabControl = New TabControl() Me.m_tabControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill Me.m_tabControl.TabPages.Clear() Me.Controls.Add(Me.m_tabControl)
Dim imagelst As ImageList = New ImageList() imagelst.Images.Add(ImageKeys.fujiko.ToString(), My.Resources.ふじこちゃん) imagelst.Images.Add(ImageKeys.nakasan.ToString(), My.Resources.中さん) imagelst.ImageSize = New Size(50, 50)
'' CheckBoxes = True の時に、チェックボックスの代わりに表示する画像 'Dim stateImageList As ImageList = New ImageList() 'stateImageList.Images.Add(SateImageKeys.blackwankumaIcon.ToString(), My.Resources.blackwankumaIcon) 'stateImageList.Images.Add(SateImageKeys.wankumaIcon.ToString(), My.Resources.wankumaIcon)
Dim normalPage As TabPage = New TabPage normalPage.Text = ListViewName.Normal.ToString() Me.m_tabControl.TabPages.Add(normalPage)
Dim normalLstview As ListView = New ListView() With normalLstview .Name = ListViewName.Normal.ToString() .SmallImageList = imagelst .LargeImageList = imagelst .Location = New Point(10, 30) .Size = New Size(250, 200) ' フォーカスがなくても選択されているものを強調表示しないか否か(既定:True) .HideSelection = False
'' 編集関連 .LabelEdit = True ' ユーザーによる編集を許可するか否か AddHandler .BeforeLabelEdit, AddressOf ListView_BeforeLabelEdit AddHandler .AfterLabelEdit, AddressOf ListView_AfterLabelEdit
' '' マウスポインタ関連 '' マウスポインタが置かれた時に項目またはサブ項目のテキストの外観が '' ハイパーリンクになるかどうか(既定:False) '.HotTracking = True '' マウスポインタが置かれた時に自動で選択するか否か(既定:False) '.HoverSelection = True
' '' チェックボックス関連 '' チェックボックスの表示 '.CheckBoxes = True '' チェックボックスが オフの時、blackwankumaIcon '' チェックボックスが オンの時、wankumaIcon が表示されるようになる '.StateImageList = stateImageList
' View Detail の為の設定 .Columns.Add("名前", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) .Columns.Add("namae", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Center) .GridLines = True .FullRowSelect = True .AllowColumnReorder = True ' ユーザーによる列の並びかえを有効にする ' View Tile の為の設定 .TileSize = New Size(80, 80)
.BeginUpdate() ' Group の追加 .Groups.Clear() Dim dogGroup As ListViewGroup = New ListViewGroup("犬") Dim humanGroup As ListViewGroup = New ListViewGroup("人間") .Groups.AddRange(New ListViewGroup() {dogGroup, humanGroup}) ' Item の追加 With .Items .Clear() .Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"ふじこ", "fujiko"}, ImageKeys.fujiko, dogGroup)) .Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"えでん", "eden"}, ImageKeys.fujiko, dogGroup)) .Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"オット", "otto"}, ImageKeys.fujiko, humanGroup)) .Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"中さん", "nakasan"}, ImageKeys.nakasan, humanGroup)) End With .EndUpdate() End With normalPage.Controls.Add(normalLstview)
Dim viewCombo As ComboBox = New ComboBox() With viewCombo .DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList .Location = New Point(10, 10) With .Items .Add(View.Details) .Add(View.LargeIcon) .Add(View.List) .Add(View.SmallIcon) .Add(View.Tile) End With .SelectedItem = normalLstview.View AddHandler .SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf ChangeView End With normalPage.Controls.Add(viewCombo)
Dim enableGroupCheck As CheckBox = New CheckBox() With enableGroupCheck .Text = "グループ有効" .Checked = True .Location = New Point(150, 10) AddHandler .CheckedChanged, AddressOf ChangeEnableGroup End With normalPage.Controls.Add(enableGroupCheck)
' コンテキストメニュー Dim context As ContextMenuStrip = New ContextMenuStrip() normalPage.ContextMenuStrip = context Dim serchText As ToolStripTextBox = New ToolStripTextBox() serchText.TextBox.ImeMode = Windows.Forms.ImeMode.Hiragana context.Items.Add(serchText) Dim searchButton As ToolStripButton = New ToolStripButton("検索") context.Items.Add(searchButton) AddHandler searchButton.Click, AddressOf Search
' VirtualMode で描画する Dim virtualListPage As TabPage = New TabPage virtualListPage.Text = ListViewName.Virtual.ToString() Me.m_tabControl.TabPages.Add(virtualListPage)
' 表示するデータを作成 Me.m_virtualListDataSrouce = New DataTable("virtualTest") With Me.m_virtualListDataSrouce With .Columns .Add("Field1", GetType(Integer)) .Add("Field2", GetType(String)) End With End With For index As Integer = 1 To 20000 Me.m_virtualListDataSrouce.Rows.Add(New Object() {index, "test" & index.ToString()}) Next
Dim virtualLstview As ListView = New ListView() With virtualLstview With .Columns .Clear() .Add("項目1", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) .Add("項目2", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left) End With .Dock = DockStyle.Fill .View = View.Details .GridLines = True .MultiSelect = True '.CheckBoxes = True ' 利かない? .FullRowSelect = True ' VirtualMode に関する設定 .VirtualMode = True .VirtualListSize = Me.m_virtualListDataSrouce.Rows.Count AddHandler .RetrieveVirtualItem, AddressOf ListView_RetrieveVirtualItem End With virtualListPage.Controls.Add(virtualLstview)
' コンテキストメニュー Dim contextForVirtual As ContextMenuStrip = New ContextMenuStrip() virtualListPage.ContextMenuStrip = contextForVirtual Dim selectedInfo As ToolStripMenuItem = New ToolStripMenuItem() selectedInfo.Text = "選択されている情報" contextForVirtual.Items.Add(selectedInfo) AddHandler selectedInfo.Click, AddressOf SelectedOut End Sub
Private Sub ChangeView(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim lview As ListView = _ DirectCast(Me.m_tabControl.TabPages(ListViewName.Normal).Controls(ListViewName.Normal.ToString()), ListView) lview.View = DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, ComboBox).SelectedItem, View) If lview.View = View.Details OrElse _ lview.View = View.List Then lview.TopItem.Selected = True ' 先頭を選択 End If End Sub
Private Sub ChangeEnableGroup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim chkBox As CheckBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox) Dim lview As ListView = _ DirectCast(Me.m_tabControl.TabPages(ListViewName.Normal).Controls(ListViewName.Normal.ToString()), ListView) lview.ShowGroups = chkBox.Checked End Sub
' 検索 Private Sub Search(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim btn As ToolStripButton = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripButton) Dim context As ContextMenuStrip = DirectCast(btn.Owner, ContextMenuStrip) Dim tBox As ToolStripTextBox = DirectCast(context.Items(0), ToolStripTextBox) If tBox.Text = String.Empty Then Return Dim lview As ListView = _ DirectCast(Me.m_tabControl.TabPages(ListViewName.Normal).Controls(ListViewName.Normal.ToString()), ListView) ' ListView 内を検索する Dim foundItem As ListViewItem = _ lview.FindItemWithText(tBox.Text, _ True, _ 0) tBox.Text = String.Empty If foundItem Is Nothing Then Return ' 見つかった Item を選択する foundItem.Selected = True ' 必要であればスクロールして見つかった Item を表示する lview.EnsureVisible(foundItem.Index) End Sub
' 編集モードになったとき Private Sub ListView_BeforeLabelEdit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LabelEditEventArgs) Dim lview As ListView = _ DirectCast(Me.m_tabControl.TabPages(ListViewName.Normal).Controls(ListViewName.Normal.ToString()), ListView) Dim editItem As ListViewItem = lview.Items(e.Item) Console.WriteLine("◆BeforeLabelEdit◆") Console.WriteLine("Item is " & editItem.Text) Console.WriteLine("NewValue is " & e.Label)
If editItem.Text = "中さん" OrElse editItem.Text = "nakasan" Then '' 中さんの場合編集をキャンセルする e.CancelEdit = True End If End Sub
' 編集モードをぬけたとき Private Sub ListView_AfterLabelEdit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As LabelEditEventArgs) Dim lview As ListView = _ DirectCast(Me.m_tabControl.TabPages(ListViewName.Normal).Controls(ListViewName.Normal.ToString()), ListView) Dim editItem As ListViewItem = lview.Items(e.Item) Console.WriteLine("◇AfterLabelEdit◇") Console.WriteLine("Item is " & editItem.Text) Console.WriteLine("NewValue is " & e.Label) If e.Label = "baka" Then ' 編集した結果が baka の場合、編集をキャンセルする e.CancelEdit = True End If End Sub
' 仮想モードで、ListViewItem を必要とする場合に発生 Private Sub ListView_RetrieveVirtualItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RetrieveVirtualItemEventArgs) Dim row As DataRow = Me.m_virtualListDataSrouce.Rows(e.ItemIndex) e.Item = New ListViewItem(New String() {Convert.ToString(row(0)), Convert.ToString(row(1))}) End Sub
' 選択されている情報 を 出力ウィンドウに出力 Private Sub SelectedOut(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim lview As ListView = _ DirectCast(Me.m_tabControl.TabPages(ListViewName.Virtual).Controls(ListViewName.Virtual.ToString()), ListView)
Dim selectedIndices As ListView.SelectedIndexCollection = _ lview.SelectedIndices
Dim selectedItems As ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection = _ lview.SelectedItems()
'' チェックボックスに関する情報 'Dim checkedIndices As ListView.CheckedIndexCollection = _ 'lview.CheckedIndices()
'Dim checkedItems As ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection = _ 'lview.CheckedItems()
Console.WriteLine("全項目数:" & lview.Items.Count()) Console.WriteLine("選択項目数:" & selectedIndices.Count()) 'Console.WriteLine("チェックされてる項目数:" & checkedIndices.Count()) Console.WriteLine("SelectedIndices:") For Each index As Integer In selectedIndices Console.WriteLine(index.ToString()) Next ' Virtual Mode の時は SelectedItems コレクションの要素にアクセスできない Console.WriteLine("SelectedItems:") 'For Each item As ListViewItem In selectedItems ' Dim allText As String = item.Text ' For Each subItem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In item.SubItems ' allText &= " " & subItem.Text ' Next ' Console.WriteLine(allText) 'Next ' なのでこういう感じで取り出す For Each index As Integer In selectedIndices Dim item As ListViewItem = lview.Items(index) Dim allText As String = item.Text For Each subItem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In item.SubItems allText &= " " & subItem.Text Next Console.WriteLine(allText) Next
'Console.WriteLine("CheckedIndices:") 'For Each index As Integer In checkedIndices ' Console.WriteLine(index.ToString()) 'Next 'Console.WriteLine("CheckedItems:") 'For Each item As ListViewItem In checkedItems ' Dim allText As String = item.Text ' For Each subItem As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In item.SubItems ' allText &= " " & subItem.Text ' Next ' Console.WriteLine(allText) 'Next End Sub End Class

投稿日時 : 2007年2月8日 10:25


# re: ListView(System.Windows.Forms.ListView) 2007/02/08 11:25 中博俊

ListView VirtuakMode CheckBoxesで同事象が2件ほどあるけどConnect.microsoft.comには上がっていない模様。

# re: ListView(System.Windows.Forms.ListView) 2007/02/08 12:09 なおこ(・∀・)

>> 中さん


# re: ListView(System.Windows.Forms.ListView) 2007/06/14 11:39 Kypros


# re: ListView(System.Windows.Forms.ListView) 2007/09/26 13:26 Ivan


# toolstripbutton-でつながるブログリング 2008/12/23 10:47 blogring.org


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On this page you can download Guide for Roblox and install on Windows PC. Guide for Roblox is free Books & Reference app, developed by bonghaiAu. Latest version of Guide for Roblox is 1.0, was released on 2017-11-14 (updated on 2019-07-06). Estimated number of the downloads is more than 100. Overall rating of Guide for Roblox is 4,3. Generally most of the top apps on Android Store have rating of 4+. This app had been rated by 8 users, 5 users had rated it 5*, 1 users had rated it 1*.

Roblox is an Android game where multiple players cooperate and play together in web based games. The site has an accumulation of games went for 8-18 year olds however players of an...
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How to install Guide for Roblox on Windows?
Instruction on how to install Guide for Roblox on Windows 7/8/10 Pc & Laptop

In this post, I am going to show you how to install Guide for Roblox on Windows PC by using Android App Player such as BlueStacks, Nox, KOPlayer, ...

Below you will find a detailed step-by-step guide, but I want to give you a fast overview of how it works. All you need is an emulator that will emulate an Android device on your Windows PC and then you can install applications and use it - you see you're playing it on Android, but this runs not on a smartphone or tablet, it runs on a PC.

If this doesn't work on your PC, or you cannot install, comment here and we will help you!

Install using BlueStacks
Install using NoxPlayer
Step By Step Guide To Install Guide for Roblox using BlueStacks
Download and Install BlueStacks at: https://www.bluestacks.com. The installation procedure is quite simple. After successful installation, open the Bluestacks emulator. It may take some time to load the Bluestacks app initially. Once it is opened, you should be able to see the Home screen of Bluestacks.
Google Play Store comes pre-installed in Bluestacks. On the home screen, find Google Play Store and click on the icon to open it. You may need to sign in to access the Play Store.
Look for "Guide for Roblox" in the search bar. Click to install "Guide for Roblox" from the search results.
If you don't see this app from the search results, you need to download APK/XAPK installer file from this page, save it to an easy-to-find location. Once the APK/XAPK file is downloaded, double-click to open it. You can also drag and drop the APK/XAPK file onto the BlueStacks home screen to open it.
Once installed, click "Guide for Roblox" icon on the home screen to start using, it'll work like a charm :D
[Notes] about Bluetooth: At the moment, support for Bluetooth is not available on BlueStacks. Hence, apps that require control of Bluetooth may not work on BlueStacks.

How to install Guide for Roblox on Windows PC using NoxPlayer
Download & Install NoxPlayer at: https://www.bignox.com. The installation is easy to carry out.
After NoxPlayer is installed, open it and you can see the search bar on the home screen. Look for "Guide for Roblox" and click to install from the search results.
You can also download the APK/XAPK installer file from this page, then drag and drop it onto the NoxPlayer home screen. The installation process will take place quickly. After successful installation, you can find "Guide for Roblox" on the home screen of NoxPlayer.

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# Meeting-Marathon, anstehende Verhandlungen oder gerade Gespräche mit ausländischen Partnern - mit Bgenglish bist du fit gemacht. Lass nicht nach und verpasse nicht die Chance, Mitglied der globalen Gruppe zu werden. Mit diesem Kurs wirst du d 2023/10/23 23:30 Meeting-Marathon, anstehende Verhandlungen oder ge

Meeting-Marathon, anstehende Verhandlungen oder gerade
Gespräche mit ausländischen Partnern - mit Bgenglish bist
du fit gemacht.

Lass nicht nach und verpasse nicht die Chance, Mitglied der globalen Gruppe zu werden. Mit diesem Kurs wirst du dich vorkommen als wärst du gerade Mitglied der großen englischsprachigen Familie.

Es gibt einen Grund, warum so viele Leute unseren Kurs bevorzugen. Es ist nicht nur das Lehrstoff, den wir anbieten,
sondern ebenso die Art und Weise, wie wir es tun. Jede Stunde ist sorgfältig geplant,
um euch eine herausragende Lernerfahrung zu liefern.

Übersieh nicht, dich für eine unverbindliche-Lektion anzumelden.
Und wenn du Fragen hast, warte nicht, uns unter +49 (0)
152 092 517 45 oder via E-Mail an contact@bgenglish.net zu kontaktieren.

Bereit für deine Mission ins Englische? Dann komm und beginnen wir gemeinsam dieses Abenteuer!
