Visual C++ 11 の新しい機能 のひとつに
「SCARY iterator(おっかないイテレータ)」てーのを見つけましてね。
なんじゃそりゃ? ってんで調べてみた。
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;
int main() {
set<int,less<int>> a;
set<int,greater<int>> b;
cout << typeid(a.begin()).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(b.begin()).name() << endl;
コレ↑をvc10(Visual Studio 2010) で実行すると:
class std::_Tree_const_iterator<class std::_Tree_val<class std::_Tset_traits<int,struct std::less<int>,class std::allocator<int>,0> > >
class std::_Tree_const_iterator<class std::_Tree_val<class std::_Tset_traits<int,struct
std::greater<int>,class std::allocator<int>,0> > >
一方vc11(Visual Studio 2012)だと:
class std::_Tree_const_iterator<class std::_Tree_val<struct std::_Tree_simple_types<int> > >
class std::_Tree_const_iterator<class std::_Tree_val<struct std::_Tree_simple_types<int> > >
set<X,なんやら> a;
set<X,かんやら> b;
set<X>::iterator iter;
iter = a.begin(); // ok
iter = b.begin(); // ok
ときにこの" SCARY"なんだが、これの書かれたドキュメントN2980によると:
N2911 explains that the acronym SCARY “describes assignments and initializations that are Seemingly erroneous (Constrained by conflicting generic parameters), but Actually work with the Right implementation (unconstrained bY the conflict due to minimized dependencies).”